
Special Dinnerと経済産業省訪問

yesterday, we had a wonderful supper with Mr.Furukawa (exCEO of Microsoft Japan), and with some special guests; Mr.Bannai (CEO of Zoran Japan) and Mrs.Kim.

Their story was the most intriguing thing i've ever heard, excluding the memorable speech done by Steve Jobs at Stanford.

Before going into detail, the reason why im writing this in english,is because i failed to write this story in japanese.I just had too much thing to say in one sentence! So, when i finished writing this mail at first in japanese, each sentence became 3-4 lines long and it was too hard to read.

Ok, so being helped by the magic of simple staightforward english, let's me note few keywords collected from listening to the CEO story.

1. People without a serious failure cannot succeed.
2. A life where people around you "set" you to be the top,is less valuable and less effective than the life worked out truly by yourself.
3. No excuse for business.
4. Human's life is very limited, so one must achieve something in one's life.
5. A person who can admit what he "can do" and "cannot do" is brave.

What they are saying was simple, but very touching.
I came to notice that none of gorgeous titles are the priority of one's life.
The important thing is "what you want to do", and "how much you can do".

Thank you very much for inviting us to a wonderful supper and giving such an encouraging speech.

経済産業省商務情報政策局 文化情報関連産業化(メディア・コンテンツ課)にお邪魔したわけですが、そこでコンテンツ人材育成やコンテンツFestivalの内容について多くの活発な討論が行われました。ポイントとして、コンテンツ人材育成は、「きちんと育てるならば育成後の受け皿を確保」することが急務であり、Festivalはなにをもって「成功」とするのか、その目標と効果測定を設けることが必要であるという点が挙がりました。

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